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Fly in 4 Graduation Partnership

Posted about 1 year ago  in Spring 2024 Orientation Hub.

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Fly in 4 is Temple's initiative to promote graduating in four years.

Here are the questions parents and family members frequently ask us:

How does Fly in 4 work?
Under Fly in 4, Temple will provide all incoming first-year students with the tools and incentives to graduate on time, including academic plans, advising that keeps them on track, and classes that are offered when students need them. If students accept the agreement and meet all of the program checkpoints and cannot graduate on time due to the unavailability of required courses, Temple will pay for any remaining coursework.

Once I sign the agreement what do I need to do?
You agree to meet the checkpoints which include the following: consult with an academic advisor each semester, register for classes during the priority registration period, select courses that are consistent with your academic plan, notify an academic advisor if a course is not available, advance annually in class standing (30 credits per year), have a graduation review before your senior year.

What is the Fly in 4 grant?
Fly in 4 will provide $4,000 annual grants to up to 500 students with demonstrated need in each incoming class, so those students can focus less on working and more on finishing their degrees.

Check out THIS YouTube video for more information!

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