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Honors Program

Posted over 1 year ago  in Spring 2024 Orientation Hub.

Welcome to Temple Honors!

Our students are interesting people with long to-do lists; whether they want to clerk at the U.S. Supreme Court, win a College Emmy, perform heart surgery, doodle for Google, plant a sustainable urban garden, or teach math in a Philadelphia high school, they go out and do it.

What do they major in? Honors students hail from every school and college at Temple; they are intellectual explorers (if some more sure-footed than others at the outset). They like to boundary-cross: English majors minor in business; biology majors study art history; music majors take calculus. One major and one minor are often not enough (so many to choose from!); indeed, one campus is often not enough. Why not Rome, Tokyo, Oviedo, or London? Or elsewhere in the world?

Obviously, our students take their academic life seriously (it’s Honors, after all), but that’s not the whole story. On-campus, they do independent research, play Division I sports, head student organizations, perform on stage. In the community, they tutor, intern, volunteer, hold down part-time jobs. Meanwhile, they live in Philly, the US's first World Heritage City, which has no shortage of attractions. It’s an easy subway ride to an Eagles or Temple football game- or to the Philadelphia Orchestra.

A few favorite Honors perks: small classes, wonderful faculty, cool courses, one-on-one mentoring, special housing (with a four-year campus housing option), a classroom in the residence hall, priority registration, the Honors community, the Lounge, and Honors advising. About Honors advising: we are on hand to help students find a match for their aspirations and talents. This includes their academic program, research opportunities, experiential learning (Temple Honors Appalachia—go for it!), plans for graduate and professional schools, scholarships, and jobs. In short, Temple Honors is here to provide holistic support across the four years, even after graduation.

What happens when Honors students take advantage of everything Temple offers? They win prestigious awards: Rhodes, Goldwater, Fulbright, Marshall, Udall, and Truman; they go on to renowned graduate and professional schools here and abroad; they land positions in business, healthcare, non-profits, teaching, government, and the arts. As one grad put it: “I love my work and I love my life.” How’s that for a goal?

Want to know more? Our website and social media (@TempleHonors) are two great places to start. We’d like to hear about you.

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