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Public Safety

Posted 10 months ago in Spring 2024 Orientation Hub .

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Our team is comprised of skilled, diverse, and trained professionals committed to maintaining a safe and desirable environment for those who live, work and visit. We build partnerships with students, stakeholders, and community members to promote safety for everyone.

Here are the questions parents and family members frequently ask us:

What are the responsibilities of your police and security staff?
Our police officers are sworn Pennsylvania-certified law enforcement officers. They are authorized to enforce the law and make arrests similar to any municipal police officer. Security officers are stationed at designated locations, including residence halls, and monitor building access and compliance with policies and procedures. Our security division is supplemented with contract security officers from Allied Universal Security Services

How does your department promote safety for students living on and off-campus?

Public Safety Services works to promote safety on and around the campus through:

  • Communication and coordination of services with other law enforcement personnel
  • Outreach initiatives and safety awareness programs
  • Services like the Walking Escort program and shuttle service
  • Emergency notifications: TU Alerts inform students of situations happening on and around the campus. Be aware that parents can stay informed of alerts through Twitter at @TempleUniv
  • Personal safety / situational awareness presentations
  • Safety tips on our website
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