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Student Health Services

Posted 10 months ago in Spring 2024 Orientation Hub .

Contact Information

Instagram: @tustudenthealth

Main Campus (1700 N Broad St 4th Floor): 215-204-7500

Health Science Campus (3340 N Broad St 3rd Floor Room 322): 215-707-4088

Our mission is to provide quality care to Temple University students in a compassionate and inclusive environment to foster overall well-being.

Here are the questions parents and family members frequently ask us:

What are the immunization requirements?
The required immunizations are meningitis, varicella, Tdap, and MMR. For most students, COVID and Meningitis B are recommended but not required. COVID is required only for students in the College of Public Health.

Do I need insurance to access services?
No, students pay a university fee, so that consultation and evaluations by a nutritionist, nurse, physician, or nurse practitioner are free. Some point of care tests like strep and mono, supplies like crutches and medications from our dispensary have a fee. We do not bill insurance, but we will ask for insurance information in case it is needed for lab work, or referrals to outside specialists.

How do I make an appointment?
You Student Health Services appointments are made online HERE. Your student can sign in with their TUID and password. You can call our Main Campus or Health Science Campus locations for an appointment as well.

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