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College of Liberal Arts

Posted over 1 year ago  in Spring 2024 Orientation Hub.

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College of Liberal Arts Center for Academic Advising

The Center for Academic Advising supports students throughout their academic careers by empowering students to recognize their potential and translating that into future career aspirations. Academic Advisors help students explore different majors, navigating and understanding a major’s required curriculum, and assisting with course registration each semester.

Here are the questions parents and family members frequently ask us:

Who will be my student’s academic advisor?
There are no assigned academic advisors in the College of Liberal Arts! Students are able to meet with any of our academic advisors or they may request to meet with a particular advisor that they have made a connection with. Some of our academic advisors have specific advising interests – students may choose to meet with these advisors based on their academic interests!

What can my student do with a major in the Liberal Arts?
Anything! The true value of a liberal arts education is that it is designed to teach students how to become global citizens by exposing them to disciplines outside just their specific major. Through this diverse curriculum, students gain the ability to critically view the world across all disciplines in order to adapt to an ever-changing world. Students who want to explore potential career opportunities are encouraged to meet with our team of Professional Development Advisors in the Joyce K. Salzberg Center for Professional Development.

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