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Division of University Studies

Posted over 1 year ago  in Spring 2024 Orientation Hub.

Contact Information

The Main Campus Division of University Studies is the academic home for undeclared students and students in transition between majors. The advisors in our center are dedicated to helping you explore thoughtfully and productively, declare a major that's right for you, and graduate on time. We do this using a variety of tools, starting with the capacity to spend one-on-one time with you as you develop your unique academic and career goals.

Here are the questions parents and family members frequently ask us:

How do I choose a major?
Information can be found on our website, HERE.

Can I graduate in four years if I start out undeclared?
Yes! Although some majors do require a full four years from the time you declare (Nursing) and the timeline for some majors depends on math placement (STEM majors), there are many majors that are not delayed due to a student starting out undeclared. We'll help you prioritize your areas of interest to minimize any delays these factors may cause.

How do I schedule an appointment with my advisor?
In TUportal, under Student Tools, use the Appointment System to schedule your appointment.

Can I take major courses while undeclared?
Yes! There are some courses that are restricted to majors only, but the majority of introductory courses are open to undeclared students, even at the base tuition level for University Studies students.

When should I declare a major?
As soon as you're comfortable moving forward! We believe students should take some time at the beginning of their college career to intentionally explore multiple options, but we don't want you to wait for the "perfect" major to come along. At the latest, you should declare a major before you have earned 60 credits (within your first two years).

View our Peer Mentor page HERE.

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