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College of Education and Human Development

Posted over 1 year ago  in Spring 2024 Orientation Hub.

Contact Information
215- 204-8011

The College of Education and Human Development Academic Advising unit guides students from new student orientation to degree completion. Our purpose is to provide quality academic advising services that empower students to make informed decisions about their academic goals, along with their personal/career goals related to their chosen program (major). Students work collaboratively with our academic advising team to develop individual plans for academic success, interpret university policy, and stay informed of college and university resources that can support their needs and ambitions. The Undergraduate advising team serves as a resource for students, partnering with them as they work to achieve their goals.

Each student in the College of Education and Human Development has the flexibility to meet with any academic advisor, once they have matriculated into the College. All students are encouraged to see an academic advisor every semester. Advising is key in helping each student to create an individualized and accurate academic plan. Meeting with an academic advisor also gives each student the opportunity to ask questions, receive support, and engage in decision-making related to their goals. Academic advisors utilize best practices to facilitate academic growth while guiding students from pre-admission to degree completion. Our Academic advisors encourage independent thinking while providing guidance.

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