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School of Theater, Film, and Media Arts

Posted over 1 year ago  in Spring 2024 Orientation Hub.

Contact Information

The Advising Team in the Center for the Performing and Cinematic Arts serves all undergraduate students in the Boyer College of Music and Dance and the School of Theater, Film and Media Arts. We have lead advisors in each area that specialize in helping you navigate your undergraduate curriculum.

Here are the questions parents and family members frequently ask us:

What kind of support will you offer my student?
TFMA Advisors assist students with academic planning, course registration, understanding their graduation requirements, preparing for study abroad/study away, understanding Temple policies, and referrals for appropriate resources as needed.

Will my Film & Media Arts student need to buy a bunch of expensive cameras, equipment, and software?
FMA Students have access to a document in our Advising Canvas course to help answer this question. Generally speaking, it's helpful to have a laptop that can handle the critical programs in Adobe Suite (student license for Adobe Suite available at no cost to Temple students). It is recommended to have an external hard drive that is formatted to be compatible with both Mac and PC platforms so students can work on their projects on any computer around campus. More information about hard drives and formatting them will be discussed at the beginning of the semester. Students will also have access to Temple’s TECH Center, computer labs, and editing rooms with state-of-the-art PCs and Macs that have all necessary editing software available. The FMA Department has an equipment borrowing program available at no cost to students. Professors will cover equipment borrowing procedures in the beginning of the semester.

What is Production Practicum and why does my student need to take it every semester?
THTR 1087 - Production Practicum is required for all Theater students every full-time semester. Practicum meets every Friday for one hour and includes the entire Theater community. This is a great way to share announcements, updates, and opportunities. Temple alum and other industry professionals will speak at Practicum to give students insight into the field. Students also complete one per year of their Practicum classes with a Production Contract. It’s a great way for students to learn new skills like lighting, costume, design, propcraft, directing, and house management and to get hands-on experience working a live show.

How does my student register for classes each semester?
Your student will register for their first semester courses at their orientation session with the assistance of our Advisors and Peer Advisors. The sooner they attend orientation, the sooner they will have their first semester course registration completed. TFMA students are encouraged to meet with their Academic Advisors EVERY semester to consult about course registration. Some courses are restricted and require an advisor’s assistance or instructor’s permission for registration. Please encourage your student to contact their advisor with any questions, concerns, or issues. We’re happy to guide them through the process.

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