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College of Science and Technology

Posted about 1 year ago  in Spring 2024 Orientation Hub.

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The College of Science and Technology's Center for Academic Advising and Professional Development guides students from new student orientation through graduation to ensure that they complete all degree requirements. Faculty advisors in each major use their knowledge of departmental curriculum to help students choose courses consistent with their specific career objectives.

Here are the questions parents and family members frequently ask us:

What are the placement assessments? Are they required?
Placement assessments are used to determine the appropriate first-year courses for your student based on his/her prior knowledge. It is critical for students to begin coursework at the appropriate level to avoid course withdrawals, unsatisfactory grades, and/or course repeats. More information about placement tests and scoring can be found HERE.

Can students make changes to their schedules after orientation?
Yes, students have been provided with a registration PIN at orientation to allow them to add/drop classes to their fall roster. Please note: they will only be able to add courses for which they have met the prerequisite(s) through their placement scores, transfer credits, or AP scores. Students may continue to adjust their schedule throughout the add/drop period (the first two weeks of the semester) without academic or financial penalty.

Can I review the required courses for my student’s major?
Yes! The BULLETIN provides enrolled students with the information they need regarding their chosen academic path. It is the go-to guide for checking degree requirements, finding faculty advisor information, and exploring majors/minors/certificates.

Are there any additional resources for students interested in pursuing medical, dental, pharmacy school?
Yes! The Office of Pre-Professional Health Studies works exclusively with students who are interested in applying for professional school. We encourage students to connect with this office early in their academic careers.

What is the difference between a BA and a BS degree?
The BS offers more upper-level coursework in the major. However, the BA offers the same foundational coursework for the major. In place of the upper-level major coursework, the BA requires two semesters of a foreign language and two upper-level liberal arts requirements. The BA may be the best choice for students who double major, who are off sequence with major requirements, or who switch majors in their second or third year. To explore options, students should contact their advisor. Please note: some majors only offer the BA or BS option. Review the Bulletin for further information.

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