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Fox School of Business

Posted over 1 year ago  in Spring 2024 Orientation Hub.

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The Fox Center for Undergraduate Advising provides quality academic advising services that empower students to make informed decisions about their education and projected careers. We believe the successful attainment of a degree in four years (or less) requires intentional collaborations between students and advisors. An environment of proactive planning, mutual communication, respect, and responsibility facilitates this partnership. Students work with our advising team to develop individual plans for academic success, interpret university policy, fully utilize campus resources, and engage in the process of reflection and decision-making that will promote their achievement.

Here are the questions parents and family members frequently ask us:

What kind of support will you offer my student?
The Fox School is a nationally accredited program, requiring students to complete courses in sequence. This ensures your student is able to build on a foundation of knowledge and concepts essential for program mastery, and the advancement of management practice. The importance of working with an advisor to ensure accurate planning and to prevent unintended delays to your student’s degree eligibility cannot be overstated. We have advising teams dedicated to working with students at each academic level to facilitate a clear understanding of our curriculum rules and timely completion of program requirements. Freshman/Sophomore Advising focuses on the transition to college life, major exploration within Fox, and successful completion of our lower-division foundation requirements. Junior/Senior Advising focuses on satisfactory progress within each declared major, and ensuring students are prepared to graduate.

Who will be my student’s academic advisor?
There are no assigned academic advisors for freshman and sophomore students in Fox. Instead, students enjoy the flexibility to meet with any academic advisor on the Freshman/Sophomore team, to include requested meetings with a particular Freshman/Sophomore advisor with whom they have made a strong connection. Junior and senior students (completing 60+ credits) are assigned a personal advisor based on their declared major.

How does Fox prepare my student for a career?
Our Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD) is a team of career coaches, professional development facilitators, and employer relations professionals that exclusively serve Fox Business majors. Additionally, each major is represented by at least one Student Professional Organization (SPO), which connects students with peers, faculty, alumni, and employers from specific professions and industries.

How will my student be able to meet with an advisor during the academic year?
Students can schedule an advising appointment using our online appointment system. Freshmen and Sophomores can meet with any Freshman/Sophomore Advisor. Juniors and Seniors can meet with their assigned major advisor. New appointments are posted every Wednesday by 5:00 PM for the following week. If no more appointments are available during any active week, students should check again on Wednesday for an appointment for next week.

Can my student see an advisor without booking an appointment?
Fox Advising offers Same-Day Appointments during regular business hours (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday) that do not need to be booked in advance. Same-Day Appointments are available either virtually or in-person on a first-come, first served basis for that day only. Students can schedule a Same-Day Appointment by visiting our Main Office or our Virtual Front Desk.

Interested in learning more? Stay connected with us via our Parents and Families Newsletter – sign up HERE.

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