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School of Sports, Tourism, and Hospitality Management

Posted about 1 year ago  in Spring 2024 Orientation Hub.

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The mission of the Center for Student Services (CSS) within the School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management (STHM) is to support student success by providing services aimed at empowering students and encouraging them to engage fully in their STHM and Temple University educational odyssey.

Here are the questions parents and family members frequently ask us:

What is FERPA?
FERPA stands for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. We cannot disclose a student's education records without the written consent of a student.

Who is my student’s STHM CSS representative?
You may view the STHM CSS advising structure and assignments here.

Where can my student view their academic plan towards graduation?
Students are encouraged to follow the suggested academic plan for their major as outlined on the Undergraduate Bulletin for their catalog term (the year your student declared their major).

What courses does my student have left to complete their degree?
Students are responsible for running their Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) report at least once each semester to view the requirements they have completed, are currently registered for and/or have outstanding to complete.

What are industry hours?
STHM students are required to complete a minimum of 250 industry hours (at least 4 different types of experiences) prior to entering their STHM 4112: Senior Seminar course.

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