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Boyer College of Music and Dance

Posted over 1 year ago  in Spring 2024 Orientation Hub.

Contact Information

The Advising Team in the Center for the Performing and Cinematic Arts serves all undergraduate students in the Boyer College of Music and Dance and the School of Theater, Film and Media Arts. We have lead advisors in each area that specialize in helping you navigate your undergraduate curriculum.

Here are the questions parents and family members frequently ask us:

What kind of support will you offer my student?
Boyer Advisors assist students with academic planning, course registration, understanding their graduation requirements, preparing for study abroad/study away, understanding Temple policies, and referrals for appropriate resources as needed. Boyer students also have access to faculty advisors based on their instrument and area of study for more specific academic and professional advice.

Are there additional scholarships available for Boyer students?
Scholarships offered through Boyer College of Music and Dance are available and typically determined at the time of audition and admission. Further questions about eligibility for funds should be directed to Dean Edward Flanagan at

Are there additional costs associated with being a Boyer student?
Yes, there are additional ensemble fees (typically around $100 per semester) and private lesson fees (typically around $250 per semester). These can be seen on the student’s bill after registering for the classes.

How does my student register for classes each semester?
Many Boyer courses are restricted and require an Advisor’s assistance for registration. This prompts Boyer students to meet with their Academic Advisors EVERY semester before registering for courses. Your student will register for their first semester courses at their orientation session with the assistance of our Advisors and Peer Advisors. The sooner they attend orientation, the sooner they will have their first-semester course registration completed.

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