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Posted about 1 year ago  in Spring 2024 Orientation Hub.

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(215) 204-7188

CARE stands for Crisis, Assessment, Response, Education. The case management staff working for the CARE Team collect information pertaining to students and situations of concern from multiple sources in order to determine the most appropriate course of action to assist the student. The CARE Team’s role is to determine effective strategies for addressing the concern and identifying the responsible parties for enacting those strategies.

Here are the questions parents and family members frequently ask us:

What is the Case Management Staff Role?

The Case Managers receive referrals pertaining to students of concern, collect additional information, and then identify and enact appropriate strategies for addressing the situation. These referrals are then brought to the weekly CARE Team meeting.

Who can make a CARE referral?

Anyone who feels that a student is in need of help or assistance can make a referral to the CARE team. This includes, faculty, staff, family members, friends, etc.

Who sits on the CARE team?

The CARE Team is composed of diverse representatives from key student support offices across the University (ex. Tuttleman Counseling Services, Disability Resources and Services, TUPD, etc.). The members of the CARE Team meet weekly. The Case Management Staff, in the Dean of Students Office, coordinate referrals to the CARE Team.

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