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Campus Recreation

Posted over 1 year ago  in Spring 2024 Orientation Hub.

Contact Information

Temple University’s Campus Recreation is the coordinating office for recreational sports programs on Main Campus. More than 4,000 students, staff and alumni participate daily in one or more of the various activities offered by our office. These activities include: intramurals, sport clubs, special events and programs, group fitness, adapted recreation, aquatics, student staff development, and informal recreation. Informal recreation includes activities that occur at the Independence Blue Cross Student Recreation Center, the Aramark STAR (Student Training and Recreation) Complex: weight room and climbing wall, Pearson and McGonigle Halls: pools and 3rd floor rec courts, the Temple Sports Complex, and the Geasey Field Complex.

Here are the questions parents and family members frequently ask us:

How can my student access the recreation facilities and where are they located?

There are 6 indoor rec facilities and 3 outdoor rec spaces. You can find out more info on our main campus rec facilities at . Students access the rec facilities with their TU ID. All students who are currently registered for classes have access to our rec spaces.

Does your department employ students?

Our department employs over 250 student workers a semester to help operate our facilities and programs. Check out our web site for information on the open positions.

My student played sports in high school; can they still play at Temple University?

Campus Rec has 2 ways that students can continue their sport play. We have 8 intramural sport seasons where Temple students join teams and play a short sport experience. We also have over 30 student organized sport clubs that practice, and then travel to play other universities or municipalities throughout the semester.

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